Building A Personal Jewelry Collection Ideas, Tips & Guide

Quality takes time, effort, and discernment. That’s why looking for the perfect pair of shoes may take hours, even days of shopping. You’ve probably tried several brands of cosmetics before finding the palette that compliments your complexion. Purchasing a new coat or designer handbag usually means reading customer reviews, comparing prices, and getting recommendations from friends.

Building a personal jewelry collection requires the same high standards. Not only is jewelry expensive, but it can also make or break your wardrobe. A statement necklace can signal sophistication and wealth. But if it clashes with your dress, it can send the wrong message instead.

Collecting jewelry is not just about fashion and finances. Each necklace, ring, or earring can tell a story. You probably have memories associated with an heirloom piece or a gift from that special someone.

Jewelry is often given during essential life celebrations. An elegant necklace is a top choice for graduations and birthdays. Friends are known to exchange bracelets as reminders of loyalty and affection

Not just for women, men's jewelry has steadily risen in popularity and men have rings, bracelets and necklaces that carry certain significance and meaning. Here’s a nice guide that helps you choose the right name necklace for men.

Engagement and wedding rings are physical reminders of a couple’s promises; they symbolize a lifelong commitment. Having a gemstone collection was once the purview of the rich and the famous. Given the price range, jewelry can be considered a form of investment. But building a jewelry collection is not just about acquiring million-dollar stones.

Thanks to modern techniques and online platforms, more and more people find it possible to start a jewelry collection. No matter your preferences or budget, you can buy exceptional and meaningful pieces that will spark joy.

There’s a wide array of styles to choose from: vintage jewelry, costume jewelry, statement and signature jewelry, custom-made jewelry, watch jewelry collection, and so on. With careful consideration, you can create a family heirloom jewelry collection that will be the talk for generations.

What you want to collect is entirely up to you, as long as your collection is close to your heart. Let your story be told through your jewelry collection.

WHY WOULD YOU WANT a personal jewelry collection ?

There are a myriad of reasons why you want to create a personal jewelry collection and there is no right or wrong 'why'. Having a personal jewelry collection allows you not only express personal parts of yourself but also allows for you to pass those special pieces down to future generations. See below for some of the most popular reasons why you would want to create a personal jewelry collection if you haven't already!


Accessories give your finished ensemble that added oomph. Your choice of jewelry can change your overall look and make an outfit more appropriate for the occasion.

An intricate gold chain can transform a plain blouse, while a simple pair of stud earrings can be a tasteful match to a dress with bold patterns. 

Picture yourself wearing your staple little black dress with pearls for an evening event. For a more casual look, replace the pearls with layered strands of thin necklaces or a choker.


Just like your choice of clothes, your jewelry selection also tells a lot about your personality and character. Personality is highly complicated, and jewelry is one way to make a statement about your beliefs, values, and talents.

Your jewelry will also change over the seasons. Teenagers often prefer eye-catching pieces like beaded bracelets, colorful earrings, and chunky rings.

The more pieces, the merrier. They may not match your outfit, but who cares? It’s fun! But as you grow older, you also start to transition to subtle yet timeless pieces that fit any occasion.

The reverse is also true: as the years go by, you may exchange practical, baby-friendly jewelry for more ornate pieces and signature jewelry that brighten your wardrobe. Retirement also means that you no longer need to follow an office dress code. Instead, you are free to explore your more creative side through your jewelry choices.


Jewelry becomes part of you when you grow up with it, which is why a jewelry collection often becomes a family tradition. Family celebrations pave the way for heirlooms to be brought out into full view. During special occasions, everyone can see, touch, and hear how a legacy piece became part of the family. 

Stories are usually shared alongside the actual jewelry, which also means educating the current and next generation about the history of a particular piece. Your mother may fondly recall how your father scrimped and saved to be able to afford a diamond ring. Your aunts may share how they loved seeing Grandma all dressed up with a fancy necklace that she only wore during weddings or holiday parties. 

Each piece becomes a link to family members or friends who have passed on. Some signature pieces are passed on from father to firstborn child in an unending chain. Your brand-new engagement ring eventually becomes “something old” for your future granddaughter’s wedding. Your graduation necklace may be passed down to family members from the same alma mater.


People often buy custom-made jewelry for these momentous events:


During wedding anniversaries, it is common for the husband to give a piece of jewelry to his wife. That iconic Tiffany and Co. or Pandora’s Box can elicit happy tears and excited screams.

These handcrafted couple name pieces are usually engraved with names and the anniversary date.


A personalized name necklace or a pair of earrings make excellent birthday gifts. Charm bracelets are also popular because you can add charms for each year.

Jewelry is preferred for milestone ages like 16, 18, or 21 years old. These ages signal the start of adulthood in certain cultures.


December sees an uptick in jewelry sales, as they are a convenient gift option. Jewelry makes the season of giving more memorable because you are giving a loved one a representation of their personality.

Depending on your preference and budget, you can opt for costly or handmade pieces.


Brides are encouraged to wear something old, new, borrowed, or blue. It’s a good thing that jewelry fits any and all of these categories: grandma’s pearl brooch, a brand-new bracelet, a borrowed pair of earrings, or a sapphire pendant.

Grooms also get the chance to receive family pieces and heirloom jewelry during these occasions. If you are searching for the perfect bridesmaids’ gifts, jewelry also makes for a classic choice.

If you’re not sure what gift to purchase, check out this guide for some extremely unique and thoughtful gift ideas.

WHAT JEWELRY REVEALS about your personality

What kind of jewelry suits your temperament? People are unique, but certain personalities seem to be attracted to specific pieces of jewelry.


Costume jewelry, also known as imitation jewelry or trinkets, is made from a wide range of materials. They are less costly than “real” jewelry made from precious metal and gems.

These are pieces designed to make everyone take a second look at you: enormous hoop earrings, thick statement necklaces and pendants, and extravagant rings.

These kinds of jewelry will tell people that you are not afraid of being noticed. You like the attention. You are usually the life of the party. People love being around you because of your bubbly and cheerful personality.


If your standard choice of jewelry is a simple pendant or a single strand of pearls, you are likely the traditional kind of person. Most likely, the pieces you are wearing are gifts from your family, close friends, or a special someone. Your preferred ornaments may be part of your family's collection.

You are the type of person who enjoys their quiet time or spending the evenings and the weekend with close friends either at home or a night in the town.  You have the poise and confidence that makes you stand out even in the noisiest crowd.

It’s not just jewelry; your conservative tastes probably extend to clothes and furniture. 


Coordinated jewelry shows that you are organized and highly reliable. This does not mean that you are boring or dull. What it signifies is that you have an eye for detail. You are also highly aware of your responsibilities and prefer to follow rules. People go to you for your advice and inputs because they see you as a professional who can help them bring their lives together.

Coordinated sets usually have identical designs and stones. Or you can also choose matching jewelry with complementary patterns and colors. For example, you may opt to stick to an all-gold or all-silver theme.

You may choose to wear ruby earrings with a bracelet featuring the same gemstones.


Think turquoise bracelets, seashell pendants, and sea glass. They may not be as costly as real pieces, but these ornaments are just as beautiful. Recycled and hand-made jewelry pieces are associated with people who love the outdoors.

You have this awareness of the freedom and the beauty of nature. Your things and clothing usually come in shades of beige, brown, forest green, mustard, and ocean blue.


People who have a love affair with this kind of jewelry usually spend a lot of time in thrift stores, antique shops, and garage sales. Brand names have zero influence on their choice of jewelry. If they love how the rings feel or what the pendant says, it is theirs.

They like pieces that stand out because jewelry to them is a form of expression. These people are usually bold and confident and do not follow the norm.

They are trendsetters and trailblazers. Not to forget creativity.


If you live, play, and breathe your favorite sports, it’s a small leap to wearing jewelry inspired by it. Sports jewelry pieces are designed to represent your favorite sports and you can find many athletes and fans wearing custom-made sports jewelry.

If you like custom sports jewelry, you are passionate about your fields of interest and not shy about showing it. So why not start a sports jewelry 2021 collection?

Click here if you need help choosing sports jewelry for your athlete!


Statement jewelry is known for its one-of-a-kind, distinct design. Whether it is the work of an artist or something you created yourself, chances are you probably won’t find anything similar elsewhere.

People who prefer statement pieces are similar to people who prefer vintage jewelry. They value self-expression, creativity, and uniqueness.

EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW about custom jewelry

Custom jewelry is any piece that has been individually crafted for a client. This jewelry is made solely based on a customer's requests and specifications regarding the design, material, and even purpose.

Custom jewelry can be created from scratch or crafted based on an already existing piece of jewelry. Modifying the design of an existing ornament is also considered custom work.

Most people prefer custom jewelry because they have complete control over the design and materials. Plus, the probability of having a duplicate is low, making it an expensive one-of-a-kind investment. 

Custom jewelry can also be a representation of what you have earned or lost. You may reward yourself with a new charm for your bracelet when you get a promotion or have a new child. You can even request photo engraved jewelry bearing the picture of your departed loved ones.

Here are more examples of custom jewelry that many people gravitate towards.


There is something extraordinary about wearing jewelry featuring your name. It reaffirms your identity and gives you a confidence boost. It shows that you are proud of who you are. 

Personalized name necklaces are great gifts for personal milestones. You can even have name necklace jewelry made for yourself using your handwriting, which is extra special.


A more subtle way of showing your personality is by incorporating your birthstone. Personalized birthstone jewelry can be worn at any age, from first earrings for babies to elegant pieces for the more mature.   It’s a common belief that your birth date determines your personality and strengths. Aside from horoscopes, you can see this in the popularity of birthstones.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend, and women born in April can have custom-made diamond jewelry depicting their strength. For those born in July, rubies can signify both your birth month and your passion for life.  Find out your birthstone here. Note that this list may differ from country to country.

  • January: Garnet
  • February: Amethyst (Hyacinth, Pearl)
  • March: Aquamarine (Bloodstone or Jasper)
  • April: Diamond (Sapphire or Rock Crystal)
  • May: Emerald (Agate, Chrysoprase)
  • June: Alexandrite (Pearl, Moonstone, Turquoise)
  • July: Ruby (Onyx, Carnelian, Turquoise)
  • August: Peridot (Spinel, Sardonyx, Topaz, Moonstone)
  • September: Sapphire (Chrysolite, Lapis Lazuli)
  • October: Pink Tourmaline (Opal, Aquamarine)
  • November: Citrine (Topaz, Pearl)
  • December: Blue Topaz (Lapis Lazuli, Zircon)

If you are not a believer, that’s fine. Birthstones are still a fun option to jazz up your jewelry collection. These precious and semiprecious stones can add a much-needed pop of color to your wardrobe.


Did you know that you can turn doodles or your child's scribbles into actual jewelry? Or even use a departed loved one’s handwriting on a pendant, ring or on the back of a watch.

You can base your next pendant on something that means a lot to you to show a little glimpse of the kind of person you are.

Some people incorporate objects into their jewelry. For example, adding a hair or a photo to a locket is a known Victorian tradition and is usually a popular way to honor the life of a deceased loved one. On the extreme side, people can ask for custom necklaces with pendants made from milk, blood, or tears.

HOW TO START BUILDING your jewelry collection

Building a jewelry collection is not something that just happens in a day or overnight. With careful thought and attention to detail with a bit of whimsy thrown in, we can help get you going in the right direction!


The exciting thing about collecting jewelry is there is no set timeline to follow. You can add pieces at your own pace. You can pause collecting momentarily and resume when it’s convenient for you.

Most of the time, a jewelry collection is unintentional. You probably already have the beginnings of one. If you keep all the jewelry ever gifted to you, you’d have amassed quite a collection by the age of 30. You may also buy items randomly for yourself.   Soon, you will realize that your dresser or jewelry box is overflowing.

Come to think of it, the problem with jewelry collecting is not how long it takes, but how you select the best pieces. You need to be specific about the kind of jewelry you wish to collect. Some would have a penchant for pendants and charms; others are driven by brand names, while some go by looks.

If price is not an object, you may buy investment pieces that you know will appreciate. Collectors choose pieces owned by famous personalities or having historical significance.


Jewelry is highly personal. Don’t settle for something that won't make you happy. Trends are good, but you don’t need to faithfully follow them. After all, fashion tends to be cyclical, as seen by the popularity of vintage pieces. What’s trending today will be considered outdated in a decade, and they may see a surge in demand years down the line.

Identify precisely what you want to collect down to the very last detail. This way, you won’t be swayed by what the majority is buying. You can stay true to your taste. 

What’s stopping you from collecting? You may think that the price tag is too much, but time is your friend here. You can save for that special piece or pay in installments. If you need to work harder and skip a couple of vacations to get that Tiffany and Co. bracelet, then do it.

It makes the experience of finally having that bracelet sweeter and more memorable, and it comes with a story too. You can tell everyone that this bracelet was the product of your first job or the fruit of a well-deserved promotion.


Purchase well-crafted pieces that have the potential to double or triple in value in the next 20 years. Remember that these adornments are investments too. Diamonds are usually evaluated by the 4 Cs: clarity, cut, color, and carat. You can adopt similar criteria for selecting and curating your collection.

Investing in gold and precious gems may not be as convenient as putting your money in a bank, but it is a tradition for a reason. These pieces are easy to sell and highly portable, so jewelry has been a form of insurance. You can pawn it or use it as collateral.  

Additionally, quality jewelry also adds to your sense of pride, especially if you worked hard to provide this as a treat to yourself.

Quality jewelry is an excellent legacy. Precious metals like gold age well, so you can pass them down to your children. Years from now, they won’t tarnish or lose their original appearance. 


Have space in your budget for impulse buys. This way, when something catches your fancy, you don’t always have to deliberate for weeks about purchasing it. You can do so, guilt-free.

As long as you are not putting yourself into debt and the jewelry is well-made, go ahead and buy it. Your favorite pieces may end up being those you’ve bought on a whim.  

It’s natural to feel drawn to certain pieces that speak to your personality. Other times, you may discover treasures in an estate sale at unbelievably low prices. Or, a friend may be selling a piece that does not suit them but will complement your existing collection.

You can’t buy happiness, but there’s no denying the thrill of acquiring that perfect necklace or ring. Allow yourself that special joy when you’ve added something spectacular to your collection.


Jewelry is meant to be worn. While you need to store the majority of your collection securely, try to incorporate selected pieces into your everyday look. Here are some factors that you should think about when you add pieces to your collection to maximize your investments.


You can't wear showstopper jewelry if you live an active lifestyle. Some questions to ask yourself when considering your lifestyle might include the following:

  • Do you like hiking and outdoor activities? Do you go to the gym every day? Opt for pieces that are durable and won’t get damaged.
  • Do you have young children or pets? Remember that some gems may have sharp edges that can injure sensitive skin. Also, kids tend to be grabby with shiny objects. A pendant or earring may become a choking hazard.

Stick to simpler pieces. You can wear stud earrings with a thin necklace, and you should still have the sparkle even if you are sweaty. Invest in understated pieces made from durable materials.

If you are the kind who likes to be out there at parties or social functions, then choose more eye-catching pieces mixed with classic staples. Intricate designs look great on camera. Make sure you have jewelry appropriate for each occasion. 

If you are a laidback and go with the flow type of person, you can either stick to a uniform set (ring, earrings, and a watch) or have jewelry that you can mix and match effortlessly.


Your work will also influence the kind of jewelry you invest in. Celebrities and influencers would understandably flaunt more conspicuous accessories because it is part of their job.

They go out to attend parties and be visible. As brand ambassadors, they need the jewelry to catch the eye, spark curiosity, and trigger a purchase- a well-known marketing strategy. 

Celebrities also need to keep up their appearances. Their image needs to be consistent with the rich and famous lifestyle. Collecting jewelry is part of building their reputation and a statement of their professional success.

Most people consider a sentimental piece, like a wedding band, or classics to complete a corporate wardrobe. These pieces are good for daily use too. 

Invest in pieces that you can wear to work and are appropriate for your work.  Some professions may require a more conservative look, like those in business, law, and education. 

If your work involves operating machinery or similar activities, make sure your jewelry is not a potential hazard. Most businesses allow the use of jewelry. However, industries like construction, factories, and some food processing plants usually prohibit them.

Bored of simple pieces? Don’t despair. You can still keep that glorious pair of diamond drop earrings for special occasions.


Find out which metal matches your personality and preferences. Some people love the warm hues of gold against their skin, while others are more attracted to the cool tones of silver or platinum. Diamonds hold an almost universal appeal, but some may prefer the vibrancy of colored gemstones. The choice is yours.  

Take time to research the different kinds of metal used in jewelry. This is important if you have a history of allergies in your family. To be on the safe side, get a skin patch test to identify your triggers.

Some people are strongly allergic to nickel, chromates, and cobalt, which are components of most alloys. Wearing pieces with these metals may cause rashes, blisters, and itchiness. 

If you have a metal allergy, watch out for costume jewelry or secondhand pieces that may contain these triggers. Allergy-sufferers may even react to metals in tattoo inks, doorknobs, gadgets, or eyeglass frames.  

The safest metal for sensitive skin is yellow gold. Platinum, sterling silver, surgical steel, and copper are also great hypoallergenic options.

Aside from skin sensitivity, consider also that some metals are more durable than others. Wedding rings are worn continuously, so they are often made of long-lasting materials like platinum or gold. For pieces that you wear less often, gold-plated or sterling silver are great choices. However, remember that plated jewelry and non-gold metals may tarnish over time.


Expect to spend a substantial amount on quality jewelry. Building a collection takes careful planning and extensive budgeting.

You have to be disciplined about how you achieve that new jewelry piece while staying within your budget. If you have a particular wish in mind, consider setting aside a small portion of your salary and putting that into a savings account. Depending on your monthly income, expenses, and the price tag of that much-coveted piece, you may see yourself doing this for half a year or more.

If you received a bonus or a raise, this could be a great time to get yourself that jewelry. It might take some time, but that vintage necklace can be one of your motivators to excel in your profession. You can also wear it with pride because you know how much hard work and effort you’ve poured into this purchase.

Even if your budget is limited, you can start by adding small pieces to your growing collection. 


Before finally closing that purchase, it would be practical to speak with your jeweler or the company you are buying from to check if your fine jewelry comes with a warranty. Discuss any service plans that they have associated with your purchase.

Usually, a warranty covers the annual cleaning and yearly once-over by your jeweler. This is done with a gem scope or a loupe to ensure no repairs are needed.

Meanwhile, a service plan would take care of the repair costs that you might need, like ring sizing, rhodium plating, and prong re-tipping. If you’re planning to get pregnant, keep in mind that your ring size may go up permanently by as much as two sizes.

You should also weigh in the importance of jewelry insurance because anything can happen. Having this security blanket is worth it to ensure that you have a single piece or entire collection protected.

Often, homeowners' and renters' insurance only covers jewelry up to a certain amount after the deductibles. So it would be an excellent idea to discuss your jewelry insurance options with a trusted company.

WHERE CAN I FIND jewelry to purchase?

Depending on your current collection and your wish list, you can buy pieces from several places. Here are a few of the most popular places to buy jewelry.


If you are a fan of a particular brand, give their jewelry store a visit. Most renowned jewelers also have websites and social media pages where you can purchase online.


You will be surprised by the collection your local jeweler might offer. The brands may not be that loud and known, but if you are not too particular about the logo, then you can find good pieces. Not only do you help your local economy, smaller stores usually offer excellent customer service and promos to loyal customers.


If you want vintage or unique pieces, visit art fairs and farmer’s markets. You can work directly with jewelry artisans and craftspeople for custom designs found nowhere else. These pieces tend to be sustainable and eco-friendly compared with those from bigger suppliers.


As they say, someone else’s trash can be your newfound treasure. If you get lucky, you might land an exceptional find worth 100% more than the bargain price.


One of the joys of traveling is discovering pieces that can serve as keepsakes of your trip. Aside from bringing home souvenirs from your last vacation, you also gain a better appreciation of their culture and help their economy.


Both small and well-established brands have taken their jewelry stores online. You will be surprised at the wide selection of jewelry that these e-commerce businesses can open up for you.

HOW TO CLEAN & MAINTAIN your jewelry collection

Jewelry is meant to sparkle and shine. If they appear dull or grimy, then it's time to clean and polish your treasures. Cleaning and maintaining jewelry is vital in keeping your jewelry collection in optimum condition. Otherwise, they will lose their luster over time.

Can’t afford professional cleaning? While you may need to contact a pro for pieces that have been stored a long time, it’s easy to clean your everyday jewelry. All you need is a soft jewelry cloth, a toothbrush with soft bristles, and a cleaning solution. You can buy the latter in stores or create your own based on online instructions.

Keep your collection dazzling with these simple tips.


A gentle jewelry bath of dish soap and warm water is all you need. Soak your gold in this solution for 5 minutes. Swish them around and then take them out. Gently go over the chain links and the crevices using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do a final rinse and buff the jewelry dry with a soft cloth.


Precious and semi-precious stones need to twinkle and shine. Use standard dish soap and mix it with seltzer water. Follow the exact instructions as you would clean your precious gold. Emeralds, diamonds, sapphires, and even rubies set in gold will be good as new after this clean-up.


Pearls - whether cultured, real, or faux –are incredibly porous so they lose their luster fast. The general rule for cleaning pearls is that you cannot soak them. Make sure you avoid exposing them to acidic substances like vinegar or lemon juice.

To clean them, lay the pearls on a piece of a soft cloth. Create a warm water solution with some shampoo. With make-up or paintbrush, gently clean each pearl. Rinse them afterward with a well-wrung damp cloth. This cleaning method works with opals and turquoise too.


Mix three parts baking soda with one part water. Wet your silver jewelry and apply this paste using a lint-free soft cloth. Get into the crevices. Change the fabric as it gets the tarnish off. Rinse your silver jewelry and buff it dry.

Here are a few more reminders and some basics to remember when caring for and maintaining your jewelry collection:

Don't wear jewelry when swimming because saltwater and chlorine can be damaging. Also, remove your rings when you are applying your beauty and skin products. Lotions are great grime magnets. Perfume and body oil can cause your pearls to turn yellow, so make it a habit to wipe it every after use.

Wear your silver pieces as often as possible. Don't leave them sitting in your jewelry box. Silver gets shinier when worn, and the friction against your skin slows down the tarnishing process.

Do an inventory of your collection periodically and have them checked regularly by your jeweler. And, if you are hesitant about cleaning your jewelry, you can always have them cleaned by a pro. There are ultrasonic jewelry cleaning machines to get the job done.

HOW TO STORE your jewelry collection

As a jewelry collector, understand that high humidity is not suitable for your precious collection. It speeds up tarnishing and other damage. If you live in a highly humid area, consider running a dehumidifier or even an air conditioner in the room where you keep your jewels. You also have the option of using silica packets so your jewelry box can have additional help in absorbing moisture.

Note that the more consistent your room temperature is, the more suitable it becomes for your collection. Another way to store your jewelry will be to keep it inside one of your interior closets that are always cool and dark. There are also practical jewelry racks that you can purchase.

Not sure about storing your jewelry? Let us help! Find below some more practical tips and ideas for storing any type of jewelry to keep it safe from common elements and displayed appropriately.


Fine jewelry should be kept away from direct sunlight because UV light can be damaging to some stones. They should not be stored touching other pieces. These can cause surface scratches or fine fractures.


Silvers are best kept in jewelry boxes with felt lining and pearls are best kept in wooden jewelry boxes with a felt lining. Store your regular and staple baubles in a more accessible location. Vintage and costume jewelry can be stored decoratively.

CREATING A JEWELRY COLLECTION frequently asked questions

Here are some of the more frequently asked questions about creating your very own personal jewelry collection.

Should I keep a jewelry catalog in my collection?

Yes, you should.  Always have an inventory of your collection for insurance purposes. Take a photo of every piece in your collection and indicate specific information like the date you bought it and where you bought it. Any detail about each bauble and sparkle should also be documented. Store a copy of the catalog with your jewelry and another copy in a separate yet secure location.

When should I insure my jewelry?

You should process jewelry insurance as soon as you can. Your insurance plan will take into account both financial and sentimental value. Make sure you are paying the proper amount for your coverage.

However, just because a piece is old does not mean that it will have a high monetary value. Heirloom jewelry is priceless because it represents memories and history, but the price tag may not be as much as you would expect. 

What does jewelry symbolize?

Jewelry can be a representation of many things. It can remind you of your identity, commitment, your beliefs, and life motivations. Each piece is a symbol of love, friendship, and the people we lost. A representation of your status in life and a visual depiction of your achievements. Jewelry can also signify your past.

Can men have jewelry collections?

Yes, both men and women can both have jewelry collections. Men’s pieces are usually in the form of watches and sports jewelry. Rings for men are used to show marital status or membership in prestigious organizations. While it is not as common, some men also wear necklaces or bracelets for various reasons.

PERSONAL JEWELRY COLLECTIONS to express your true self

Jewelry is valuable, but not just for personal adornment. Commissioned pieces can make someone feel special and loved. They are also used to celebrate milestones and accomplishments.

Heirloom jewelry pieces are tangible reminders of a rich family legacy.  They serve as mementos of lost loved ones and help the people they leave behind overcome their grief. Your investment in jewelry goes beyond dollar valuation. These priceless pieces can become your legacy.

Further reading:

10 things you should know about handmade jewelry.
Custom designed corporate jewelry gifts for employees and clients.
A Messages In Metal gift guide.

April 20, 2021 by Conor Daniels